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Pregnancy is a memorable stage in every parent’s life. To be able to create a life and bring it in this world, watch it grow is a feeling that should be experienced by one and all. Despite it being an unearthly experience, there are certain pregnancy related infections and diseases which women have to face. However, if you ask many women, they would happily go through these problem to hold their child in their arms even for a few minutes.

The process starts when a sperm fertilises an egg that has been released from the ovary during ovulation. The fertilised egg then descends into the uterus, where implantation takes place. Pregnancy results from successful implantation.

A full-term pregnancy lasts 40 weeks on an average. Pregnancy might be influenced by a variety of things. Women who obtain an early pregnancy diagnosis and prenatal care are more likely to have a healthy pregnancy and childbirth.

Pregnancy can cause the onset of many problems if you don’t remain vigilant. While some may last only till the delivery of the child, others may continue for a longer period. These pregnancy related infections and diseases in women can be harmful for both mother and child.

Infections During Pregnancy

The majority of pregnancies are uneventful. However, roughly 8% of all pregnancies have difficulties that, if untreated, may affect the mother or the baby. While some difficulties are related to pre-pregnancy health issues, others come suddenly and are unavoidable.

Infectious illnesses are conditions caused by harmful microorganisms. Many micro-organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can be transferred directly or indirectly. Some infections are dangerous, some are avoidable. Pregnant women may be particularly vulnerable to infections.

The flu, vaginal yeast infections, uterine infections, and group B streptococcus, are all frequent illnesses that can develop during pregnancy.

Changes in immune function may contribute to this increased risk of infection. Which if ignored, might result in significant problems. From Premature birth to low birth weight. Birth deformities to pregnancy loss can all be complications of severe infections during pregnancy. Prevention and treatment are vital for eliminating these diseases.


Women who have high blood pressure before becoming pregnant will need to monitor and regulate it during their pregnancy. Using prescribed medicines if required. Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure that develops during pregnancy.

Gestational hypertension often arises in the second part of pregnancy and resolves after birth. This can make it hard for blood to reach the placenta. The placenta delivers nutrition and oxygen to the baby throughout pregnancy.

Reduced blood supply can slow fetal growth and put the mother at risk of premature labour and preeclampsia.


Infections, including certain sexually transmitted infections (STIs), can develop. Delivery may cause issues for both the pregnant lady and the infant after birth. When the child travels through the birth canal, several infections can be passed from mother to newborn. During pregnancy, a baby can become infected with other illnesses.

Some pregnancy related infections and diseases in women can cause:

  • Loss of pregnancy
  • Ectopic conception
  • Early labour and delivery
  • Birth weight is too light
  • Blindness, deafness
  • bone abnormalities
  • intellectual disability
  • Stillbirth
  • Illness at the newborn stage
  • Death of a newborn
  • Complications in maternal health

Autoimmune diseases:

When you have an autoimmune illness, your body’s antibodies (cells that combat infections) target healthy tissue by mistake. Autoimmune disorders include the following:

Spondylitis Ankylosing:

This kind of arthritis affects the spine (backbone). It causes inflammation (pain, redness, and swelling) between your vertebrae and the joints that connect your spine to your pelvis. It may potentially affect other joints. The pelvis is the joint that joins the legs to the body.

pregnancy related disease


Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are examples of IBD. IBD creates issues in the digestive tract, which is where your body breaks down food, absorbs nutrients, and eliminates waste.

irritated bowel syndrome

Arthritis Rheumatoid:

The lining of the joints throughout the body is attacked by RA. It can cause severe discomfort and difficulties throughout pregnancy.


This is a skin condition defined by itchy or painful areas of thick and red skin. Patches are most commonly found on the elbows, knees, scalp, back, cheeks, palms, or feet. They can, however, appear in other regions of the body. Some patients with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis, a kind of arthritis that causes joint discomfort, stiffness, and swelling.


This is a collection of disorders that damage your body’s connective tissue. Connective tissue is the tissue that supports your skin as well as your internal organs such as your kidneys, lungs, and heart.



This is a lung illness that causes your airways to constrict, making breathing difficult.

Asthama in pregnant women

Heart disease:

It is also called CVD (Cardio-vascular disease). Conditions affecting the heart muscle or involving obstructed blood arteries that can lead to a heart attack or stroke are included.


HIV is an abbreviation for human immunodeficiency virus. It is a virus that targets the immune system of the body. AIDS is caused by HIV (acquired immune deficiency syndrome).


Obesity is defined as having an excess of body fat and a body mass index of 30 or greater. BMI is a calculation of body fat based on height and weight.

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Diabetes occurs when your blood sugar levels are abnormally high. When you eat, your body converts the sugars and carbohydrates in your meal into glucose, which you may then utilise for energy. Insulin is a hormone produced by your pancreas. It assists your body in maintaining the proper quantity of glucose in your blood. When you have diabetes, your body either does not produce enough insulin or is unable to utilise insulin. As a result, you have an excess of sugar in your blood. Diabetes can harm your body’s organs, including blood vessels, nerves, eyes, and kidneys. Diabetes that existed before pregnancy is referred to as preexisting diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a kind of diabetes that occurs in certain pregnant women.

Preterm Labour – Dangerous Consequence of Pregnancy Related Infections and Diseases in Women:

Progesterone, a hormone produced naturally during pregnancy, may be used to help certain women avoid premature delivery. Preterm births cannot be avoided by women who have low progesterone levels. Any newborn delivered before 37 weeks is at a higher risk for health issues, owing to the fact that organs such as the lungs and brain finish developing in the last weeks before a full-term birth.

Infections, having a shorter cervix, and past premature deliveries all raise the chance of preterm labour.

Preterm Labour


If left untreated, malaria can escalate to dire effects. From 2004 to 2006, a study of three districts in India found that malaria was the leading cause of maternal mortality in pregnancy, responsible for more than 23% of all maternal deaths.


Pregnant women may be at risk of serious disease if they get the influenza virus. During the 2009 H1N1 influenza A pandemic, pregnant women were at a higher risk. Pregnant women contributed to 5% of all pandemic influenza deaths.

Thyroid problems:

The thyroid is a gland in your neck that produces hormones that aid in the storage and use of energy from the diet. It can cause health concerns if it produces too few or too many of these hormones.

Mental Health Problems:

These circumstances have an impact on how you feel, think, and act. They can disrupt your regular life. Depression is one example of a mental health problem. Depression creates feelings of despair and a loss of interest in activities that you enjoy. It’s a medical condition that requires therapy to improve.

REMEDIES – To Prevent Pregnancy Related Diseases and Infections in Women:

Talk to your doctor before becoming pregnant:

Talk to your doctor before becoming pregnant:  This can assist to avoid unintended pregnancies. During times when your illness may cause complications for you and your baby. For example, if you have IBD, you will experience mild symptoms and during pregnancy, it will outburst. When your condition is a flare-up, you’ve begun a new therapy, or you’re taking specific medications, it’s preferable not to get pregnant. Using birth control and preparing ahead of time for your pregnancy can help lower your chance of difficulties.

Preconception Checkup:

A gynecologist or doctor will do a medical checkup on you before you get pregnant to ensure your health. Get this checkup before you start trying to conceive. Ask your provider about taking folic acid at your visit to help avoid neural tube defects, which are birth abnormalities of the brain and spine. Your provider can ensure that your vaccines are up to date, which can help prevent you from illnesses that might cause complications during pregnancy.

At last, make sure any doctor who recommends your medication is aware that you are trying to conceive. Also, make sure your Gynecologist is aware of everything you are taking. To cure a headache or a Flu, you can take OTC medications such as pain relievers and cold medicine. However, try to avoid as many OTC medications as possible during pregnancy because not all OTC medications are safe to take during pregnancy.

In order to stay away from all pregnancy related infections and diseases in women, its best to remain vigilant from the start!

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Shivani Kapur

A Writer at Heart, an Engineer by Qualification, and a Soap Crafter by Profession, Shivani does not fear to speak her mind. This blog is a reflection of some of her thoughts, personal experiences mixed with some well researched information. Please feel free to reach out to her ( if you have any questions or concerns :-)


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